Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Triangle Génération Humanitaire France

Bienvenue à Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Triangle Génération Humanitaire is an International Solidarity Organisation born in 1994 from the desire to develop a cross-disciplinary and sustainable expertise. TGH integrates emergency relief, rehabilitation and development in its programmes within a comprehensive approach, using an environmental approach wherever possible.

TGH bases its action on principles:


Commitments and values

  • Provide concrete solutions to alleviate the suffering of populations living in unacceptable circumstances.
  • Fight poverty and defend social integration.
  • Offer support to victims of conflicts, natural disasters and other events causing precarious living conditions.

The association designs and implements programmes in collaboration with national and international partners through the identification and mobilisation of local skills and resources wherever possible. This approach aims at responding as closely as possible to the needs expressed by the beneficiary populations, by elaborating comprehensive and sustainable solutions leading towards the autonomy of the groups of people benefiting from these programmes.

Based on common values; listening capacity, reactivity, flexibility, adaptability, proximity, the association, standing for professionalism and pragmatism, is an area where people live together, express their personal commitment and share their know-how.

It wishes to preserve and value the concept of Association with the meaning of "people acting together towards the same goal, which is not one of profit sharing". The Association is run by an elected Board representing all its members.

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